Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How Time Flies and Setting October Goals

I can't believe that October is right around the corner. No matter what people say, time really does go faster when you get older. This whole year has just flown by incredibly fast.
I'm setting some reasonable goals for myself for the month of October. The reason I say reasonable goals is that I have a tendency to make up very long to do lists and then feel bad for not getting them done.
My goals for this month are:

Spiritual: Daily Bible Study
Physical: Exercise 5 days a week
Lose 8 pounds
Family: Make sure we eat at least one meal together each week
Home Org. :Create a "chore" plan
Organize garage
Plan/create garden boxes
Financial: Start a change jar
Set a 'use it for what?' goal

1 comment:

  1. Those are great REASONABLE goals!

    Happy October and thanks for the nudge...I think I'll get a cup of coffee and make some goals myself...for the last three months of 2009. Wow!
