Monday, June 29, 2009
Hot days!
Yesterday it actually hit 111 degrees...just too hot to even move... Today cooled down to 103 (said with sarcasm...). It's only 99 right now (at 7pm). Nobody wanted to move today...around noon we all started crashing...naptime! Meals were yogurts, smoothies and salads for almost felt too hot to eat....
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I won something!
I entered a giveaway at Callapidder Days and actually won the book she was giving away! The book is called Elisha's Bones. Here is a review of the book from the website. I can't wait to get it!
Elisha’s Bones
by Don Hoesel
The bones of the prophet once raised the dead to life…
but they vanished from history in a whisper.
Every year, professor of antiquities Jack Hawthorne looks forward to the winter break as a time to hide away from his responsibilities. Even if just for a week or two. But this year, his plans are derailed when he’s offered almost a blank check from a man chasing a rumor.
Billionaire Gordon Reese thinks he knows where the bones of the prophet Elisha are-bones that in the Old Testament brought the dead back to life. A born skeptic, Jack doesn’t think much of the assignment but he could use the money, so he takes the first step on a chase for the legendary bones that will take him to the very ends of the earth. But he’s not alone. Joined with a fiery colleague, Esperanza Habilla, they soon discover clues to a shadowy organization whose long-held secrets have been protected… at all costs. As their lives are threatened again and again, the real race is to uncover the truth before those chasing them hunt them down.
Elisha’s Bones
by Don Hoesel
The bones of the prophet once raised the dead to life…
but they vanished from history in a whisper.
Every year, professor of antiquities Jack Hawthorne looks forward to the winter break as a time to hide away from his responsibilities. Even if just for a week or two. But this year, his plans are derailed when he’s offered almost a blank check from a man chasing a rumor.
Billionaire Gordon Reese thinks he knows where the bones of the prophet Elisha are-bones that in the Old Testament brought the dead back to life. A born skeptic, Jack doesn’t think much of the assignment but he could use the money, so he takes the first step on a chase for the legendary bones that will take him to the very ends of the earth. But he’s not alone. Joined with a fiery colleague, Esperanza Habilla, they soon discover clues to a shadowy organization whose long-held secrets have been protected… at all costs. As their lives are threatened again and again, the real race is to uncover the truth before those chasing them hunt them down.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
GROI Challenge: It's time to really get into high gear with packing for the move. We're doing really good with tossing and donating. I tossed a whole bunch of outdated cosmetics. I don't want to take anything along that I don't need.
Independence Day Challenge: Vaccuum sealed 10 quart jars of steel cut oats. These will go into the freezer for 48 hrs to kill any bugs that might be in them. Also picked up 2 dozen mason jars from a Freecycler.
Shmily Challenge: Yesterday and today we are to pray for our husbands emotions and his walk as he journeys through life.....
Independence Day Challenge: Vaccuum sealed 10 quart jars of steel cut oats. These will go into the freezer for 48 hrs to kill any bugs that might be in them. Also picked up 2 dozen mason jars from a Freecycler.
Shmily Challenge: Yesterday and today we are to pray for our husbands emotions and his walk as he journeys through life.....
Shelf Reliance Giveaway
Shelf Reliance is having an awesome giveway that ends June 26. They are giving away (for free!) The Harvest 72" food rotation systems. Wouldn't you love one of those? I would! So, hop on over and sign up to try and win one...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Week 2 Challenges
Independence Day Challenge:
Preserve Something: purchased a flat of strawberries...they are hulled (made ds14 do it ) and in the freezer to be used for smoothies this summer. Yum!
Prep Something: Added paper towels to the stash
Preserve Something: purchased a flat of strawberries...they are hulled (made ds14 do it ) and in the freezer to be used for smoothies this summer. Yum!
Prep Something: Added paper towels to the stash
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Saturday Challenge
Oh my! Has it really been since Tuesday since I've been on? I've kept up with the challenges...just no time to blog about then.
Clean Heart Challenge: Part of the Clean Heart Challenge is to think on a verse each week. This weeks verse comes from Proverbs.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
SHMILY Time Challenge: Today we are praying for our hubbie's attitude...
One of the questions asked is how do I react when dh is struggling with his own negative a nutshell...very poorly. I tend to react right back in a negative way. My prayer will also be for me to change my negative attitude as well.
Independence Day Challenge: Picked up 5 bags of potting soil and 2 bags of steer manure and dropped them off at work for the work garden.
Clean Heart Challenge: Part of the Clean Heart Challenge is to think on a verse each week. This weeks verse comes from Proverbs.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
SHMILY Time Challenge: Today we are praying for our hubbie's attitude...
One of the questions asked is how do I react when dh is struggling with his own negative a nutshell...very poorly. I tend to react right back in a negative way. My prayer will also be for me to change my negative attitude as well.
Independence Day Challenge: Picked up 5 bags of potting soil and 2 bags of steer manure and dropped them off at work for the work garden.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Clean Heart Challenge: Part of the Clean Heart Challenge is to think on a verse each week. This weeks verse comes from Proverbs.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
SHMILY Time Challenge: Today we are praying for our hubbie's reputation...
Independence Day Challenge: Plant Something and Work on your local food systems: I picked up a dozen freebie tomato transplants from our local university. These will go in the work garden over the next few days. We are going to be overflowing with tomatoes come August! This is a good thing...the hope is that we will have so much that we can send a lot home with the childrens families. (And I plan to can some ) It's really interesting how the children are so different with gardening. About 90% of the kids in my classroom live in apartments and have no access to any kind of gardening. Our garden is right next to our play yard , so when we are outside, the children have access as much as they want. Some aren't interested much at all. A couple really only want to come in when we are watering. But, there are 2 boys and 1 girl who are very interested in this. From the beginning, they are the ones who always wanted to help when we started out with our container gardens. When we started some plants from seeds they were the first ones at the table to help and the ones who checked everyday on the seeds growth. Now that we are using our garden beds they're the ones who are in the garden each time(they spend most of our outside time hanging out in the garden)...wanting plant something, checking on what we've already planted and smelling our scented pants(yarrow, anise, mints and rosemary). I'm so excited about this! I love seeing kids who are interested in gardening....
Cook something: My goal is to clear out the freezer about and use up bulky goods before we move. So, today we had a boxed pasta dish with hot dogs (found in the freezer) and more of our masonades( I have a lot of frozen lemon juice).
Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
SHMILY Time Challenge: Today we are praying for our hubbie's reputation...
Independence Day Challenge: Plant Something and Work on your local food systems: I picked up a dozen freebie tomato transplants from our local university. These will go in the work garden over the next few days. We are going to be overflowing with tomatoes come August! This is a good thing...the hope is that we will have so much that we can send a lot home with the childrens families. (And I plan to can some ) It's really interesting how the children are so different with gardening. About 90% of the kids in my classroom live in apartments and have no access to any kind of gardening. Our garden is right next to our play yard , so when we are outside, the children have access as much as they want. Some aren't interested much at all. A couple really only want to come in when we are watering. But, there are 2 boys and 1 girl who are very interested in this. From the beginning, they are the ones who always wanted to help when we started out with our container gardens. When we started some plants from seeds they were the first ones at the table to help and the ones who checked everyday on the seeds growth. Now that we are using our garden beds they're the ones who are in the garden each time(they spend most of our outside time hanging out in the garden)...wanting plant something, checking on what we've already planted and smelling our scented pants(yarrow, anise, mints and rosemary). I'm so excited about this! I love seeing kids who are interested in gardening....
Cook something: My goal is to clear out the freezer about and use up bulky goods before we move. So, today we had a boxed pasta dish with hot dogs (found in the freezer) and more of our masonades( I have a lot of frozen lemon juice).
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Day 5 Challenges
Clean Heart Challenge: Gave in and bought a burger for lunch. I was out running around and got so hungry. It was only a small burger...but, it still makes me mad at myself for getting it. :(
SHMILY Time Challenge: Yesterday was praying for his protection and today was praying for his trials. I've been doing that for a long time and will continue to.
Independence Day Challenge: Today we got rid of a huge amount of STUFF. It sure felt good. The house feels lighter and our move will be easier with as much stuff as possible gone.
SHMILY Time Challenge: Yesterday was praying for his protection and today was praying for his trials. I've been doing that for a long time and will continue to.
Independence Day Challenge: Today we got rid of a huge amount of STUFF. It sure felt good. The house feels lighter and our move will be easier with as much stuff as possible gone.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Summer's here!!
Today was the last day of school. The Hawk is done with 8th grade and Daddyman goes tomorrow to close down his classroom. I, unfortunately, have to work through the summer. I do have vacation time accumulated so hopefully we'll get to go somewhere.
Day 4 Challenges
Clean Heart Challenge: Almost went for fast food for dinner. I'm glad I decided to cook instead.
SHMILY Time Challenge: Today was praying about his health. A few years ago my dh started exercising and lost quite a bit of weight. I'm finding that it's my job to help him by keeping healthy foods around the house and making sure meals are prepared so we don't break down and go for fast food.
Independence Day Challenge: Today I harvested a small amount of peaches from our tree.
SHMILY Time Challenge: Today was praying about his health. A few years ago my dh started exercising and lost quite a bit of weight. I'm finding that it's my job to help him by keeping healthy foods around the house and making sure meals are prepared so we don't break down and go for fast food.
Independence Day Challenge: Today I harvested a small amount of peaches from our tree.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Day 3 Challenges
Clean Heart Challenge: I'm finding that if I stay away from the stores I don't feel the need to buy anything...
SHMILY Time Challenge: Today was praying about his purpose. I think knowing why God put you here on this earth is essential to our daily living. Working at something you don't like doing everyday can wear you down. I'm praying that my dh finds this out for himself.
Independence Day Challenge: Today was a very long, busy day. All I can say I did today was to reduce waste: I picked up a bunch of newspaper that will be used for mulch and dinner was made up of leftovers to help clear out the fridge.
Oh wait... I forgot...I got some muskmelon and tomato transplants from a fellow Freecycler (and they're heirlooms). They'll go in the ground next week.
SHMILY Time Challenge: Today was praying about his purpose. I think knowing why God put you here on this earth is essential to our daily living. Working at something you don't like doing everyday can wear you down. I'm praying that my dh finds this out for himself.
Independence Day Challenge: Today was a very long, busy day. All I can say I did today was to reduce waste: I picked up a bunch of newspaper that will be used for mulch and dinner was made up of leftovers to help clear out the fridge.
Oh wait... I forgot...I got some muskmelon and tomato transplants from a fellow Freecycler (and they're heirlooms). They'll go in the ground next week.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Day 2: Challenges

Clean Heart Challenge:
Didn't buy anything unnecessary today. I did buy gas...but, since my gas light came on I thought that was definitely a necessity.
SHMILY Time Challenge:
Today I am praying for dh's fears...all those "what if's"... My dh is not one to come out and say what he is afraid of...
Independence Day Challenge:
Plant something: This one won't be happening at my home very much because we are moving at the end of the summer. But, the raised garden beds at my work have been weeded and are useable now. This is where most of my gardening energies will be going this summer. Today we planted 3 tomato starts. One Early Girl, one Shady Lady and one unknown that was donated. The sunflowers the children started in the ground from seed are about 2 feet tall now and we have a dozen transplants that the children started from seed...squash, watermelon, tomatoes, cantaloupe and some flowers. These will go in the ground next week. Tomorrow a lady from freecycle is bringing by some muskmelon transplants for us as well.
Prep something: I added more refried beans and brown rice to my storage.
Cook something: Made a small pork roast in my solar cooker today.
Work on local food systems: This is something I'm doing at work. The goal is for these gardens to be eventually be able to help feed the childrens families. The children have been harvesting strawberries but none of them have made it home. They like to eat them too fast!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Day One Clutter Free
Went grocery shopping today and didn't buy anything that I didn't intend to junk extra anything. Woohoo!
This is going to require some discipline was hard walking past that ice cream aisle...
This is going to require some discipline was hard walking past that ice cream aisle...
I'm doing several challenges this month to keep me on track. I started the
S.H.M.I.L.Y. for 30 days of prayer... at the beginning of June.
I'm just beginning The C.C.C. "Clutter FREE for Thirty" CHALLENGE!
I've also decided to do this one as well...Independence Days
These should keep me busy...dontcha think?
S.H.M.I.L.Y. for 30 days of prayer... at the beginning of June.
I'm just beginning The C.C.C. "Clutter FREE for Thirty" CHALLENGE!
I've also decided to do this one as well...Independence Days
These should keep me busy...dontcha think?
Track and Field

I was going through some old pictures and realized I had forgotten to post about the Hawk's time in track and field. He started out the season doing pretty respectably. He ran the 100, 200 and the 4 x 100. He got some first and second places. He did end up getting an injury towards the end of the season so he had to bow out of some races.

Stand Firm!
Some days we need to know that God stands with us and gives the tools we need to make it through...
Ephesians 6:13-17 (New International Version)
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6:13-17 (New International Version)
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Lazy Day
Today was one of those days where I really laid arround and didn't do much of anything. I'm feeling a little burned out...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wierd weather
Last night we were awakened by thunder and lightning and barking dogs. Didn't get much sleep. Sure is a challenge figuring out the weather now a days. My beautiful tomatillo is now hanging over the side of its pot. Oh well.....
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I went to sushi with my mom, the Eagle and the Dove tonight. Am I the only one who does not like sushi? I just went because I wanted to spend some time with my oldest two...I don't get to see them very much anymore. Folks are always trying to sell me on how wonderful sushi is. I just don't get never has appealed to me. I had some tempura shrimp...which I do like...but, now I've got heartburn because they were greasy. Yuck!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
A Post A Day
Okay, I'm really gonna give this blog thing some effort. It has not turned out like I thought when I first started. I think for this month I'm going to shoot for one post a day. We'll see how that goes.
Today...I got in some real exercise! I've been doing the workout challenge via the Flylady list and haven't been very good about it. But,I have a 2 lb weight loss goal by Sunday ('s written in cyberspace. Does this means I really have to do it)? Hopefully, this will help me keep on track.
Today...I got in some real exercise! I've been doing the workout challenge via the Flylady list and haven't been very good about it. But,I have a 2 lb weight loss goal by Sunday ('s written in cyberspace. Does this means I really have to do it)? Hopefully, this will help me keep on track.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Top 30 Picture Book List
Below is a list of the top 30 Picture Books according to School Library Journal. Copy and paste this post and create a post of your own with it. Then, go back and highlight the books you and your children have read! After you post, leave a comment at The Bookworm's Booklist to let her and others know that your post is up.
Most of these books I've read over the years to my own kids ranging in age from 2 to 25.I've also read them to many, many preschoolers over the years. Some I could recite by heart....
#1: Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak (1963)
#2: Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown (1947)
#3: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (1979)
#4: The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats (1962)
#5: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems (2003)
#6: Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey (1941)
#7: Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson (1955)
#8: Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans (1939)
#9: Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag (1928)
#10: Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale by Mo Willems (2004)
#11: The Story of Ferdinand by Monroe Leaf, ill. Robert Lawson (1936)
#12: Good Night Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann (1994)
#13: Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey (1948)
#14: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka, ill. Lane Smith(1989)
#15: Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes (1996)
#16: Owl Moon by Jane Yolen (1987)
#17: Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina (1947)
#18: In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak (1970)
#19: Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney (1982)
#20: George and Martha by James Marshall (1972)
#21: Bark, George by Jules Feiffer (1999)
#22: The Monster at the End of this Book by Jon Stone, ill. by Mike Smollin (1971)
#23: Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban, illustrated by Lillian Hoban (1964)
#24: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault, ill. Lois Ehlert (1989)
#25: The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton (1942)
#26: Corduroy by Donald Freeman (1976)
#27: The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter (1902)
#28: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst, ill. Ray Cruz(1972)
#29: Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig (1969)
#30: Brown, Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? by Bill Martin Jr., ill. Eric Carle (1967)
Most of these books I've read over the years to my own kids ranging in age from 2 to 25.I've also read them to many, many preschoolers over the years. Some I could recite by heart....
#1: Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak (1963)
#2: Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown (1947)
#3: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (1979)
#4: The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats (1962)
#5: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems (2003)
#6: Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey (1941)
#7: Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson (1955)
#8: Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans (1939)
#9: Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag (1928)
#10: Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale by Mo Willems (2004)
#11: The Story of Ferdinand by Monroe Leaf, ill. Robert Lawson (1936)
#12: Good Night Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann (1994)
#13: Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey (1948)
#14: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka, ill. Lane Smith(1989)
#15: Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes (1996)
#16: Owl Moon by Jane Yolen (1987)
#17: Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina (1947)
#18: In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak (1970)
#19: Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney (1982)
#20: George and Martha by James Marshall (1972)
#21: Bark, George by Jules Feiffer (1999)
#22: The Monster at the End of this Book by Jon Stone, ill. by Mike Smollin (1971)
#23: Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban, illustrated by Lillian Hoban (1964)
#24: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault, ill. Lois Ehlert (1989)
#25: The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton (1942)
#26: Corduroy by Donald Freeman (1976)
#27: The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter (1902)
#28: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst, ill. Ray Cruz(1972)
#29: Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig (1969)
#30: Brown, Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? by Bill Martin Jr., ill. Eric Carle (1967)
I'm a Kitchen
I saw this fun quiz. Does it surprise me that I'm a kitchen? No! It's one of my favorite places to be.
You Are the Kitchen |
You are creative and inspired. You have a lot of projects going on. You are also a homebody who enjoys a cozy night with a nice home cooked meal. You are generous and giving. You enjoy taking care of people. You have a knack for knowing what each person needs most. |
Simple Woman's Daybook
For Today...
Outside my window... green leaves rustling in the wind
I am thinking... about the craziness in this world (need to turn off the news)
I am thankful for... having my job when so many others are getting laid off
From the kitchen... yummy, juicy, sweet watermelon!
I am wearing... jean capris, yellow t-shirt,slippers
I am reading... power of a praying wife, dead heat
I am hoping... for a much simpler life
I am creating... some gourds for a gift exchange
I am praying... for happier relationships
One of my favorite things... summer's almost here!
A few plans for the rest of the week... plans for an end of year celebration at work, more purging and packing
Outside my window... green leaves rustling in the wind
I am thinking... about the craziness in this world (need to turn off the news)
I am thankful for... having my job when so many others are getting laid off
From the kitchen... yummy, juicy, sweet watermelon!
I am wearing... jean capris, yellow t-shirt,slippers
I am reading... power of a praying wife, dead heat
I am hoping... for a much simpler life
I am creating... some gourds for a gift exchange
I am praying... for happier relationships
One of my favorite things... summer's almost here!
A few plans for the rest of the week... plans for an end of year celebration at work, more purging and packing
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