Saturday, January 9, 2010

Small Things~

I'm excited to be getting back to doing the Small Things from Home Sanctuary regularly again.  They are wonderful for keeping me on track.
Monday was all about saying goodbye to your trash.  I'm feeling really motivated right now about getting rid of clutter...I got rid of three bags of trash and stuff to donate.  The plan is to keep it up for the rest of the year.
Tuesdays Small Thing was Minimum Maintenance....pretty much doing a routine.  I kind of have that down...been doing Flylady since 2000...but, I find myself falling off the wagon regularly and this was a good reminder.
Wednesday was about giving yourself permission to do something less than issues with me there!
Thursday was about making yourself clear when communicating with others.  How many problems could be alleviated if we were just clear with others? I needed to make myself clear with ds15 that day...
Friday we celebrated the beauty around us.  It's so easy to neglect this area of our lives because we can get so busy.  I bought some flowers to plant in my garden so I can have some year round beauty.

1 comment:

  1. You're not the only one who glad to be back to doing the small things. It helps so much! I hope you have a great weekend.
